måndag 27 december 2010
MONOSKI in the shopping windows in Göteborg
Below there is a photo from the display at RIP CURL!
People passing by the window will notice TWINTIP, CARVING and new DESIGN!
No more PINTAIL...no more OLDSTYLE...no more PINK DRESSES!!!
How to decorate your Christmas tree
söndag 12 december 2010
Monoski-SANTA-jam at Ulricehamn skicenter
onsdag 8 december 2010
fredag 26 november 2010
Pierre Poncet ...a legend!
torsdag 25 november 2010
onsdag 24 november 2010
...but for skiing they are OLD and HEAVY and like old golf clubs with wooden sticks...NOT used in a real situation today!
I use my Esprit de Glisse for Derbys, my Extrem Carv for Pists, my Mountain 187 for freeride and a Tricks for jumping (and crashing :-) )
I think a lot of people are interested in MONOSKI but they are just not aware of the development and changes. It is a HUGE difference between pintail from the 80:s and the new ultralight carving boosted models!
the advert below wanted 5000 kr for an old ELAN ...it is more than you pay for a new FREE with new bindings, monobelt, twintip, carving and monoleash!!!
tisdag 16 november 2010
Beethoven...the MONOlight sonata
...and then the moonlight sonata would probably been named MONOlight sonata instead...I am sure!
måndag 15 november 2010
new Superhero in town!
söndag 14 november 2010
MONOBELT with style!
it gives you feedback when skiing (you feel if you start to separate the knees in tricky situations) AND it also makes BOTH legs to release simultaneously from the bindnings if you crash (and if you are not skiing with fixed-binding IBEX!)
However, I do not like the inner belt that keeps the monobelt in place...Therefore I have attached it by thread and needle to my ski dress and now yet another solution to my new skidress for this season...press-buttons as shown in the pictures below...
torsdag 11 november 2010
yet another Extreme CARV superhero!
tisdag 9 november 2010
fredag 5 november 2010
Adjustable IBEX frontbinding
fredag 29 oktober 2010
DOMinique - the MONOSKI artist
For the monoski-movement, the creator of all logos, posters etc... has the pseudonym “DOM”.
His passion for drawing led to a professional carrier in advertising and illustration. When he rediscovered the new monoskis with carving and twin tip he realized he had to create a new style for the monoski community, evolving from the old style neon and pink-overall posters, to a more elaborate and professional graphic profile, still with a lot of humour to reflect the monoski esprit.
Since Oliver Hurtin created the French Monoski Association 2001, DOMinique
Petter has created many logos, flyers, posters and T-shirts, all for free to support the monoski movement!
see more of his work: here
So if you see him at one of the many monoski-meetings in France and Sweden/Norway, remember to say Thank You!If you want a nice poster for an event or for work, or an illustration, do not hesitate to contact him (he speaks english!)
torsdag 21 oktober 2010
MONO whiskey laphroaig
...and of course I drink my whiskey from my specially designed Esprit de Glisse Monoski whiskey cup
This is in fact an important life wisdom: associate and connect nice things with other nice things...
then when you drink whiskey you get a nice feeling of esprit de glisse and when skiing monoski you get a nice taste of laphroaig !!!!
Pavlo's dog my gentlemen!....pavlo's dog...classical conditioning using the World's favourite Islay single malt scotch whisky :-)
torsdag 14 oktober 2010
fredag 8 oktober 2010
the DERBY trophy
torsdag 7 oktober 2010
BANFF foton
inspiring films, nice people and BIG interest for our Passion...the MONOSKI!
we did generate some "WOW!" from the audience and some "old-timers" got really tempted to try the new DURET boards !
måndag 4 oktober 2010
MONOSKI – a short history of esprit de glisse
read also the excellent Carving article here
måndag 27 september 2010
fredag 24 september 2010
MONOSKI at BANFF Mountain filmfestival!
We are going to present MONOSKI for the audience at the SNOW & SKI filmfestival i Göteborg, 6-7 Oct. at DRAKEN from 17:00
We will spread the word, show the passion, some films and several models of MONOSKIS before the show and in the pause in the middle of the film session..
more info and tickets:
måndag 13 september 2010
I love MONOSKI hood!
torsdag 9 september 2010
MONOSKI i valdebatten!
höll på att sätta morgonkaffet i halsen...
ett icke namngivet parti annonserade i GöteborgsPosten (en helsidesannons!) med följande rubrik:
"Låt oss prata om Reinfeldt, mono-ski och din gamla mormor."
...fattar ni vilket VARUMÄRKE vi har och upprätthåller!
MONOSKI associeras med att "pröva nya saker , och utvecklas" och politikerna vill att vi skall "slippa oroa oss för vad det kostar att bryta benet på skidsemestern"...så MONOSKI representerar även lite av "det farliga" men som man skall kunna göra som FRI MÄNNISKA i ETT SCHYSST SAMHÄLLE
...äntligen har de riktiga valfrågorna kommit upp på agendan!
nice!...don't split your ride in TWO!
måndag 30 augusti 2010
onsdag 25 augusti 2010
How to ski a monoski - the basic tutorial!
There are as many styles in monoski as there are monoskiers, and the most of us monoskiers are personalities that like to express ourselves on a single ski. We are all born original, and we do not want to die a copy!
Monoski is about getting a nice rhythm in the body movements combined with the breathing. Basic monoskiing should be effortless and express esprit de glisse; the inner joy of gliding on snow.
You must press the knees together at ALL TIME and turn the chest towards the fall line of the pist. It means that you will turn the upper body to face the bottom of the slope in which you are going, and never let it have a direction to the side!
Use your legs to go up and down in a harmonious motion. Reach out with the ski pole and go down into the turn and breathe out. If you are turning to the right, you stretch out the right ski pole, start pressing the right edge of the monoski into the snow, bending your knees and pushing the left knee into the right, which will lift the left edge of the monoski and activate the carving on the right edge. Balance on the edge with you arms in front of the body always with the chest turned towards the fall line of the pist. Breathe in, straighten the legs and prepare to plant the left ski pole, to mark the next turn, now to the left.
The first picture below shows JPHI skiing with an upright posture with his chest towards the fall line and the arms in front of the chest. In the second picture he is stretching out the right ski pole and bending his knees. Notice how the chest remains directed towards the fall line. Picture 3 shows how he is coming out from a turn, straightening the legs back to an upright position.
The Real masters can express this joy of skiing with an effortless and flawless body position in any type of challenging environment: moguls, steep ravines, icy pists, deep powder, in high speed etc...
Try to get the rhythm and breathing in a simple slope, and then gradually increase the challenge.
Remember to breathe and enjoy the ride!
torsdag 19 augusti 2010
onsdag 11 augusti 2010
grassMONO prototype testing
yes, it is crude and not perfectly tuned...I have to move the position back and change the braking system on the left ski-pole, so that it does not brake too hard and too fast.
first impression is ...cool!
Even the slightest hill becomes a MOUNTAIN with this tool!
I was not scared but had to fight to stay relaxed and after just 20 meters I was sweating like hell...
check out some pictures below!
torsdag 29 juli 2010
skiing EVERY day since 2003!
Reiner has been skiing EVERY DAY since November 2003...we are talking more than 2,390 days in a row!
Of course he is on this funny bi-ski equipment, but the passion for snow is the same!
maybe we should make him join our Esprit de Glisse -community!
I will try to get hold of him to send him a T-shirt :-)
måndag 28 juni 2010
have a nice summer!
måndag 14 juni 2010
An old postcard!
I found a pist map for chamonix in mint condition from 1984 (really nice feeling to the pictures) and a postcard I sent to my brother in 1989.
The postcard image was offcourse of a jumping monoskier!
My passion for monoski is OLD, and I can not understand the fact that I had a such a long break from skiing (1989-2001) because of my knee injury...NOW I still got knee problems but with monoski it is OK! Back then I did not know!
so my/our mission is not only to get people to feel the MONOSKI esprit de glisse, it is also to tell people about how GENTLE the monoski can be for the knees and joints.
I am soo happy for all the jumping crazy kids and teenagers adopting the monoski as well as the old powder freaks getting back into the game.
But I get even happier when I hear about people coming back to snow, mountains and skiing by the intermediare of the MONOSKI!
Spread the word!
...and don't split your ride in two!
fredag 28 maj 2010
the SPLIT-MONOSKI is here!
If you have not seen it before ...take a clooser look!
We always say "don't split your ride in two"...but maybee we have to modify the phrase a bit:
"don't split your ride when going down, but split it when walking up..."
Snowshark is manufacturing one model , and Aluflex is producing one as well.
Another way to walk up the deep snow, is to use an extra short fat ski on one foot and put the other foot in the wrong binding on the monoski, in this way you can actually "skate" up the slop by pressing down the inner edges...
With a split MONO you add a MARKER DUKE binding and get hold of some climbing gear, contact Havard in Norway, and you will have soo much FUN in EARNING you RIDE!